How convenient…

Recently on MSNBC, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggested that new evidence shows that Iran isn’t particularly helping Joe Biden win the 2020 election but rather simply trying to undermine faith in the U.S. elections.

According to Breitbart, Schumer stated, “I did receive a classified briefing this afternoon on this, and so I can’t discuss the details, but I can tell you one thing: It was clear to me that the intent of Iran in this case, and Russia in many more cases, is to sow — to basically undermine confidence in our elections. This was — this action I do not believe was aimed — from my surmise, was aimed at discrediting President Trump. I heard that the DNI said that. It was, rather done to undermine confidence in our elections, aimed at Democrats, Republicans, independents, that people — what Iran and Russia — and by the way, Russia is far worse of a culprit than Iran on these things and should be focused on — but what they try to do, what they’re trying to do here is — and as your previous guest said, similar, in a different way of course, than what President Trump is doing, undermine confidence in our elections.”

You can watch a clip of Schumer’s comments here.

Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton – Trump – Republican – Democrat – MAGA – Elections – President Trump – Biden – Bernie – Florida