Everything Democrats touch gets destroyed.
Democratic Senator Chris Coons admitted to everyones worst fears when he claimed that he was not opposed to the idea of packing the Supreme Court.
According to the Washington Examiner, Coons told CNN’s Jake Tapper, “Well, Jake, like Joe Biden, I’m not a fan of expanding the court, but we have a few weeks here to see whether there are four Republicans who will step back from this precipice. It is President Trump who has pressed for this nominee. So he can have a key vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act. In the middle of a pandemic.”
Adding, “and then, if we happen to be in the fact pattern where we have a President Biden, we’ll have to look at what the right steps are to rebalance our federal judiciary.”
“So your mind is open to adding justices to the Supreme Court?” Tapper followed up
“Yes,” Coons replied.
You can read the full details of this story here.