A phalanx of immigration judges will be temporarily re-assigned to 12 U.S. cities to help speed deportations of illegal aliens, the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed on Friday.

The full plan of the reassignments is still in the works, and the DOJ is looking for volunteers among immigration judges before going forward, according to Reuters.

Cities the DOJ want to staff up includes New York; Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; San Francisco; Baltimore, Bloomington, Minnesota; El Paso, Texas; Harlingen, Texas; Imperial, California; Omaha, Nebraska, and Phoenix, Arizona, the news service says.

This isn’t the first move to beef up immigration judge staff. Early in March the Trump administration also began sending judges to immigrant detention centers to speed up services.

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source: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/03/19/immigration-judges-dispatched-12-u-s-cities-speed-deportations/