Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May used her United Nations General Assembly speech today to rail against President Trump, and indeed the same values and ideas that propelled the British public to vote for Brexit in 2016.
In typically bizarre and philosophically bunk form, Mrs. May proved again why she is scarcely the leader to take Britain into a post-Brexit world, and indeed why she has no business leading the Conservative Party.
Just days after the terror-linked arrests of refugees from across the Muslim world in her own country, she lectured on immigration, potentially alienating Britain’s best ally in a post-Brexit world: President Trump and the U.S. government:
Many [migrants] are refugees fleeing conflict and persecution. Others, economic migrants, prepared to risk everything on perilous sea crossings in the desperate search for a better life for themselves and their children. Through this migration we also see the challenges of economic inequality between countries and within them…
Sharper words — extolling the virtues of liberalism and neoliberal extremism which were roundly rejected by Britain and America in 2016 — were saved for a thinly veiled attack on the U.S. administration:
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