Biden Secretary Lies to Senate – Gets WRECKED Immediately [VIDEO]

Alejandro Mayorkas, Homeland Security Secretary in the Biden administration, had no problem going in front of the Senate on Wednesday and lying for close to four hours.

That has to be a record of some sort. Really. It has to be.

One thing stood out in Mayorkas’ drivel – he kept trying to blame the immigration crysis on Trump.

After his appearance, Senator Rob Johnson (R-WI) talked about Mayorkas’ lies and dismantled his whole narrative within a minute.

Just watch:

There’s an apparent change in the respect (or lack thereof) liberal zealots have for the Senate.


Because they can. Because none of their woke comrades are calling BS.

It’s an outrage for any law-abiding American.

Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton – Trump – Republican – Democrat – MAGA – Elections – President Trump – Biden – Bernie – Florida