She has some major problems…

During an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Nancy Pelosi decided to push back against Mitch McConnell stating that he was the “one wasting time.”

Pelosi said McConnell had agreed to settle with the agreed-upon $250 billion relief and stated that she was “pleased” to see him accept the terms.

She said, “Mitch McConnell likes to say that we delayed the bill. No, he delayed the bill. Two weeks ago, he came to the floor and said, ‘This is all we’re doing. Just the $250 [billion].'”

“We were very pleased that he finally came around to the fact that we had to go forward with this. So, he was the one wasting time. I say that because I keep hearing him say we delayed. No, he delayed. But here we are, and we’re ready to go on to the next bill to help our heroes, our healthcare workers, our firefighters, our first responders, EMS, our folks who are doing all of the wonderful work to save lives as they risk their lives and now they may lose their jobs”

Did she forget that the Democrats stopped the relief to revise it and put more of their agenda into it? Did she also forget that she was shown in her extravagant home praising ice cream?

She is doing nothing to help America and should just resign. Read the full story here.

Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton – Trump – Republican – Democrat – MAGA – Elections – President Trump – Biden – Bernie – Florida