There are some lines you just don’t cross…
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in full scale attack mode against Christians and has in essence declared war.
The 29-year-old representative has spent her weekend attacking Christians for their beliefs on abortion, children and love.
Then she took it a step further and attacked Christians, and misinterpreted the Scripture, on loans and interest to suit her agenda.
“Usury – aka high interest – happens to be explicitly denounced in the Bible (& in many other religions).
“Looking forward to having the religious right uphold their principles + sign onto my bill. 😇
“Unless of course they’re only invoking religion to punish women + queer people,” she said is her typical sarcastic way.
Usury – aka high interest – happens to be explicitly denounced in the Bible (& in many other religions).
Looking forward to having the religious right uphold their principles + sign onto my bill. 😇
Unless of course they’re only invoking religion to punish women + queer people.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 17, 2019
But the thing is that, again, facts do not matter to Ocasio-Cortez who believes being morally correct is better than being factually correct, The Daily Wire reported.
In a statement to The Daily Wire, Pastor Mark Burns noted Ocasio-Cortez’s claims were not accurate, highlighting that she lacked key context about scripture.
“In context, usury in the Old Testament was when a fellow Jew would charge interest to a fellow Jew. There was no requirement set for interest on a loan to those outside the household of faith,” Burns said. “For example, after the Babylonian captivity, the Jews were rebuilding their homes and needed money. There were wealthy Jews who allowed their brothers to borrow money yet charged them interest, which was forbidden in the law God gave Moses. Thus, Nehemiah and Ezra informed the lenders they must remove the interest charges, which they did.”
“This would be similar to a son or daughter borrowing a thousand dollars and the mom or dad charging interest,” Burns continued. “It is something that most families would never do. This is the same principle God established for the Jews among their brothers. They were all in a covenant family.”
“Even Christ said in a parable to take money and invest it to have more income and thus use interest or gains from profit to your benefit,” Burns added. “It is normal, however, if there is interest charged on someone who is an associate that borrows for his business. This also assists in motivating the borrower to pay back the loan back as delayed payments can increase the charges.”
Ocasio-Cortez has come under fire on Twitter for her comments.
Src: The Federalist Papers
As usual Ocasio Cortez’s comments are about as significant as a fart at a rock concert.
She does not like our country so let her GO BACK to her country AND STAY THERE.
Well unfortunately for us This is her country she was born here, duh
And take the two America hating muslims with her.
That’s an awesome idea.
Agree with you, Stephen!
Growing up, interest was part of my education regarding handling my debts. After high school I was charged room and board plus extras for dry cleaning, etc. If I borrowed money I paid interest. Not much interest, but interest was paid.
She ought to work on things like usury rates charged by lending institutions on credit cards. Also the fact that lending institutions make a contract with a consumer and they can change the terms any time they want, but the consumer doesn’t have the same right.
In California, the law says that if I loan someone money, the max interest I can charge is 10% but financial
institutions have no limit.
When are the democrats going get their heads out of the sand and get rid of the main 3 wing nuts that are becoming a serious embarrassment to the United States.
The Holy Bible warns us of harlots, theives and greed and users like you. I know this for sure. I’m reading my 13th version of the Holy Bible, and they all say the same. Unless you change your ways, you won’t see Heaven. I call this Karma. Your stupidity really shows, and it is disgusting to say the least. No one slams my JESUS!
Congress needs to clean house and this useless twit should be the first to leave.
Good Lord AOC, your head is so far up your keister you think you can shame Christians into believing what you throw out there, you are such a joke, anthing that comes out of your mouth now should be treated as a total joke! You are young, ambitious and so misinformed I feel sorry for you and anyone that supports your looney ideas. Can’t wait until reelection.
who cares as she is a typical whore and a true bleeding cunt
When your Party boos the name of God publicly, this presents absolutely no surprise. (But it’s Bad Karma!)
Ah” you missed your last appointment to give a BJ to another Marxist, ou are one sick person!!!
Now come on what do you really expect from this fool puppet and her buddies !
do people really listen to what this “fool” has to say? seems as if she takes something & twists & turns it into something that’s totally insane! she needs to be put in a room & have to listen to recording of all her speeches over & over! I sure hope who ever is supporting this piece of crap is proud of themselves! I wouldn’t want anyone to connect me to her if I knew her.
Thank you JESUS for not putting her in my path!
She is what she is a unhinged Socialist who only thinks of herself, why she is in Congress is beyond me, but it is an indication of entitlments gone wrong! as well as immigrants not being schooled with our history or our culture. Sad the Democrat party had do dig so low to find these people and the only way it will continue is if we do not fix our immigration process and laws.
It’s amazing what can be found at the bottom of a pile of manure.
In the “Art of war” one of the guiding principles is when the enemy is doing things that weaken their chances of winning the war, do nothing to stop ✋ them. When AOC talks she is moving her party closer to defeat. Let her talk She can always go back to bartending.
Alexandria ONE TERM ONLY Cortez is so stupid a rock has more intelligence.
This is an example of a scab on a festering wound on the underbelly of a sickly beast. It provides marginal protection to the wound, but until it falls away, the infection can’t close and the beast can’t heal. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is very much that scab, and the American left is the festering wound. ANYBODY who thought that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the answer, is most assuredly asking the wrong questions. She is a national embarassment.
Freedom of religion!! Anyone has the right to express their thoughts about Christianity or any other religion. Stop being so hypersensitive and looking for excuses to be aggrieved victims and pick fights.
This woman is a disgrace to the United States of America. How did she get elected? She obviously wasn’t vetted period. She is against everything America stands for. Vote her out.
Did Ocasio-Cortez actually use the phrase “queer people”? And the Democrats and RINOS in Congress just passed the Equality Act for the homosexuals and confused gender people? So I think this pretty much tells
the tale where she stands. Do not give value to anything AOC says as she simply thinks more highly of her-
self than she ought. What she and the Democrats in Office have yet to understand is they hurt themselves more than they are hurting We the People. The lack of respect tells a lot about her, she is to be pitied.
All I can say is, consider the source, she’s the joke on the democrats!
Of course she will make attacks on anything christian. Just look at what her faith is based on.. But at least we know she will not be one of Allahs gifts to his terrorists which they expect to get. And they are probably happy with that also.
I dont fight these battle for Christ, He said He would fight our battles, And so as He shows her up, I will sit back and watch !!
Please, when comes time to vote for her in her district, everyone in her district needs to vote her out, she is a cancer we need to rid ourselves of.
The same goes for that Omar person, this one needs to be deported.
Hopefully very soon.
Ocasio Cortez is a crazy deranged rebel whose statements are not worth anybody’s time to pay attention to.
It is a good entertainment and want to be amused. It is reaffirming how uneducated and uninformed, i.e., stupid statements can actually be funny while reading it sitting on the toilet.
She really needs to go live in the Middle East and very soon since she is so full of hate living here.