A 2014 speech by Gen. H.R. McMaster has many calling the man who is now the national security advisor in Donald Trump’s White House a collaborator in Barack Obama’s agenda of minimizing radical Islam.
According to Breitbart, McMaster gave the speech at the 136th general conference and exhibition of the National Guard Association of the United States. In a wide-ranging lecture on the Middle East, McMaster called terrorist organizations “really un-Islamic” and “really irreligious organizations,” keeping in line with the Obama administration’s emphasis on not linking Islamic terror to Islam.
“War is profoundly human,” McMaster said. “What do all of these conflicts have in common? Of course, there are a lot of differences, right? And we have to be sensitive to local differences and realities that drive conflict.
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source: http://conservativetribune.com/obama-islamist-collaborator-trump/