Pelosi is finished…
Kellyanne Conway did not like how Nancy Pelosi acted after the State of the Union address. She went on Fox News and said, “I think it’s very disappointing for people to literally watch Democrats sitting on their hands. Nancy Pelosi shredding the memory of Kayla Mueller, shredding the Tuskegee airman, shredding a little two-year-old who was born at 21 weeks and six days, and the list goes on and on.”
“I think it shows you how petty and peevish and partisan the Democratic Party has become. What is wrong with her? Who mutters to themselves through the State of the Union. She looked like she was reading the Cheesecake Factory menu all night going through every single page and then I think she needs to be censured or the same woman who led a resolution in the House to denounce a tweet last summer — there ought to be a Senate resolution denouncing her behavior last night.”
Her acting is not helping Democrats one bit. There is definitely no way anyone will take Democrats seriously now.
Read the rest of the story here.