Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told Fox News that be believes EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt must prove that he has the agency “buckled down.”
He also insisted that Pruitt not be fired, saying, “I think that what he’s got to do is somehow show the American public that he’s got the EPA buckled down. You know, come to the table, show how things are going to be different, which I think he’s starting to do. … I mean, he’s done — you know, a huge chunk of the changes that have taken place that are making the economy hum again are in large part from President Trump’s orders that Scott Pruitt is implementing. The other dichotomy here too is that Trumpworld loves Scott Pruitt.”
“I think people make mistakes and mistakes don’t put people in the swamp. … I think it’s a tough issue for people to talk about. But, I think if you look at the preponderance of the evidence, I think Scott Pruitt is doing a great job.”