He needs to be replaced…
During a recent House Judiciary hearing, Nadler decided to take aim at AG Bill Barr by stating that he was the reason for the riots happening in several states.
Nadler was previously heard calling the riots “a myth,” but during the recent hearing, he is now flip flopping and acknowledging that riots are going on as well as blaming Barr and Trump for them.
Nadler stated, “The president wants footage for his campaign and you appear to be serving it up to him as ordered. Shame on you, Mr. Barr! Shame on you!”
When the time came for Barr to answer the questions he was called to answer, Nadler stated, “My time has expired. My time has expired.”
Seems like the reason for having Barr testify was not because the liberals wanted to hear answers. Instead, it’s more like a way to chastise Barr and vent.
Read the whole article here.