Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was discovered in another lie amid the second presidential verbal confrontation Sunday evening. There’s nothing strange about her lying, obviously, yet this was right out there before a crowd of people of millions.
As a Washington Post transcript of the open deliberation appears, Clinton expressed that nobody else had admittance to grouped data on her private email server.
“I was privy to lots of material, obviously. As secretary of state I had some of the most important secrets that we possess, such as going after bin Laden,” Clinton said during the town hall-style debate, as reported by The Daily Caller.
“So I am very committed to taking classified information seriously. And, as I said, there is no evidence that any classified information ended up in the wrong hands.”
Be that as it may, on account of declaration from previous Clinton associate Justin Cooper, Americans can see directly through Clinton’s lie. Cooper conceded a month ago to the House Oversight Committee that he had entry to all data on the server.
Amid that declaration, Cooper told Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz he had entry to the Clinton private server for a long while.
“After you left the White House early in … when did you leave the White House?” Rep. Chaffetz asked.
“In 2001,” Cooper responded.“2001, did you ever have a security clearance of any level after that?” Chaffetz followed up.
“No, I do not have a security clearance,” Cooper admitted.“When you had full access to the whole server the entire time that you were working for the Clintons?”
Cooper’s made a shocking revelation: “Yes, I had access to the server,” he said.“And you have no security clearance?” Chaffetz asked.
“I have no security clearance,” Cooper said.
Watch the video:
Clearly, Clinton’s announcement amid the open deliberation does not correspond with what one of her own helpers told congressional specialists in an open forum. Somebody isn’t coming clean, and the odds are great that it’s the one running for president on the Democrat ticket.
What do you think about this lie getting caught on part of Hillary Clinton? DDO you wonder what else she might be hiding? Let us know in the comments below.