Here’s exactly what he said…
Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a Democrat candidate for president who is gay, said he believes that the United States has had gay presidents.
He said that we are not aware of who these gay presidents are as they kept their sexuality a secret, but he believes they did exist.
“Republicans claimed that John Kerry was a traitor in Vietnam. That Barack Obama was a Muslim,” Axios on HBO asked him.
“If you were to win the nomination, they’ll say you’re too young, too liberal, too gay to be commander-in-chief. You are young. You are a liberal. You are gay. How will you respond?” Axios said.
“I’ll respond by explaining where I want to lead this country. People will elect the person who will make the best president,” he said.
“And we have had excellent presidents who have been young. We have had excellent presidents who have been liberal. I would imagine we’ve probably had excellent presidents who were gay — we just didn’t know which ones,” he said, Axios reported.
“You believe that we’ve had a gay commander-in-chief?” Axios asked Buttigieg who did not hesitate in giving an affirmative answer.
“I mean, statistically, it’s almost certain,” Buttigieg said, although he offered no evidence that one out of 45 people is gay.
“In your reading of history, do you believe you know who they were?” Axios said to the progressive candidate.
“My gaydar even doesn’t work that well in the present, let alone retroactively. But one can only assume that’s the case,” Buttigieg said.
The percentage of the gay population is consistently overestimated by Americans, a study by PSMag reported in 2017.
The study’s first finding is that “the public tends to consistently overestimate the size of the gay and lesbian population.” The average guess in 1977 was between 10 and 19 percent; in 2013, it had increased to 23 percent.
But 23 percent, which is close to one out of every four people, is far from accurate, Gallup reported in a study conducted in 2015.
The American public estimates on average that 23% of Americans are gay or lesbian, little changed from Americans’ 25% estimate in 2011, and only slightly higher than separate 2002 estimates of the gay and lesbian population. These estimates are many times higher than the 3.8% of the adult population who identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in Gallup Daily tracking in the first four months of this year.
The stability of these estimates over time contrasts with the major shifts in Americans’ attitudes about the morality and legality of gay and lesbian relations in the past two decades. Whereas 38% of Americans said gay and lesbian relations were morally acceptable in 2002, that number has risen to 63% today. And while 35% of Americans favored legalized same-sex marriage in 1999, 60% favor it today.
The U.S. Census Bureau documents the number of individuals living in same-sex households but has not historically identified individuals as gay or lesbian per se. Several other surveys, governmental and non-governmental, have over the years measured sexual orientation, but the largest such study by far has been the Gallup Daily tracking measure instituted in June 2012. In this ongoing study, respondents are asked “Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender?” with 3.8% being the most recent result, obtained from more than 58,000 interviews conducted in the first four months of this year.
Statistically Buttigieg is correct, but that would be in a vacuum where 3.8 percent of every group that does any job is homosexual.
With only 45 presidents in history, and the fact that each was married to a woman, added to the scrutiny each candidate deals with, it is less than certain.
Src: The Federalist Papers
The LGBTXYAFRHJ community wants the larger numbers to be accepted as fact in order to increase their position of political power. A greater political power would bring them more support by politicians, particularly of the left, for things like marriage, spousal benefits, etc. This effect would also benefit them in court cases over rights, as in the ‘gay wedding cake’ ruling.
As it stands now, about 96% of the population is being dictated to by 4%.
That 3.8% of the population is just about the same percentage of the population that is mentally ill. Coincidence? I don’t think so. When you consider the fact that LGBTXYZLMNOP is mentally ill. You see when the mind and the biology don’t agree, the biology is not the problem as it is science. The problem is in the mind where this conflict exists. It really is just as simple as that. So why do we the 96+% have to succumb to the this tiny minority of mental defects? And don’t just tell me that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. That just doesn’t cut it for something of this magnitude. We (the normal) majority do not have to tolerate this crapola.
Of course, barack ovomit.
No-good self-serving lier with delusions of grandeur!😜 will fade-away into obscurity.
gays need to go back in the closet and I don’t give a dam what they think. piss on them.
Now we thank fucking gay Buttergieg let we know that dog Obama was fucking gay as same as him so no surprise of he didn’t have capability of doing anything excepted lying and make our country worse in his 8 years ruling of American weaker as a poultry, now other gay try do same thing of fucking last one of gay person just need go to closets dotheirsef thing they please but don’t showed outside our society make us nausea?!!
The worst president (donald chump) since the beginning of time and you and the rest of you republican A Holes are worried about someone being gay. Get your priorities straight you morons.
Yes we had a gay president and he got elected with false proof of who he was. he was a SCUMBAG MUSLIM that wanted to destroy AMERICA. By all rights he should be in prison He is the worst person to ever be in the White House, just to bad he was not shot
Obama is gay. Didn’t he marry a transgender woman?
Yes Lisa, Mooochelle is a tranny.
Wait just a minute. All 45 presidents were not married.
Yo pete – remember what happens when you ‘assume’.
PS – if anyone else had said ‘gaydar’ the outcry would be deafening…………………..
Buttegieg may be right, but back then, they didn’t flaunt/push it on us, like your comrades are now trying to do, YOU should all go back into the closet, for we straights, are tired of looking at your filth, and trying to spread it to our school kids, is wrong. I’m glad you’re not in front of me right now Pete. Just looking at your kind makes me boil.
Butthead is brain dead
Buchanan was a bachelor and there were rumors about his sexuality. He also wasn’t much of a president.