On Monday, reports surfaced that a 14-year-old boy who temporarily stopped traffic last year by dancing to the Macarena in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was arrested.
According to The Telegraph, the boy was accused of “improper public behavior.” Mecca police said the unnamed boy had interfered with traffic; the reports did not state whether he would be charged.
The Telegraph noted disparate reactions from the public; some people called the boy a “legend” and “hero”; others called his actions “immoral.”
Other recent public examples of Saudi intolerance include =singer Abdallah al-Shahani getting arrested for using the “dab” move, which has been banned in Saudi Arabia, onstage at a music festival in Taif in southwestern Saudi Arabia. The “dab” was banned in the Kingdom by the National Committee for Drug Control, which stated that the move advocated or encouraged drug abuse.
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source: http://www.dailywire.com/news/20106/boy-arrested-saudi-arabia-doing-macarena-street-hank-berrien