God bless Home Depot…

Progressives are often whiny crybabies who pout and threaten to boycott when someone does something they do not like.

That is what happened on Monday when an interview was published in The Atlanta Journal Constitution with the cofounder of Home Depot.

Bernie Marcus, a billionaire from his cofounding of the home improvement giant, vowed to make a significant donation to the re-election of President Donald Trump.

“According to OpenSecrets.org, he was a top contributor to Donald Trump during his presidential run. And Marcus told the AJC that he plans to support the president’s re-election bid.

“While Trump ‘sucks’ at communication, Marcus said, the president deserves praise for boosting U.S. jobs, confronting China on trade and taking action against Iranian and North Korean aggression,” The Journal Constitution said.

“He’s got a businessman’s common sense approach to most things. … Now, do I agree with every move that he makes? No, I don’t.

“But the truth is he has produced more than anybody else. He has. If we look at this country, I would say that we are better off today than we were eight years ago or six years ago,” Marcus said.

He did have some criticism for the president on his communication and on the battles that he chooses to fight.

“I’ll tell you what he has not done well: His communication sucks. I mean he takes on every battle. He’s fighting. He does things he shouldn’t be doing.

“As president of the United States, I’d rather him do things that are meaningful,” he said in the interview with The Journal Constitution.

“He’s left instructions for the foundation board, outlining his priorities — from medical discoveries and treatment for kids with autism to creating 20 to 25 centers around the nation to help veterans suffering from brain injuries and post-traumatic stress,” The Journal Constitution said.

Progressives ignored the fact that he said is donating a major portion of his fortune to help wounded veterans because that did not matter to them.

The fact that he had some criticism for the president did not affect the fact that he donated to him in 2016 and is planning to donate to his campaign again, and that made liberals furious.

But conservatives found their threat of a boycott hilarious for a number of reasons, including the fact that liberals are not known for their hard work.

Src: The Federalist Papers